Our trip to Korea - Day 1

The girls had a four-day long weekend for the Moon Festival, so we took a quick trip to Korea. On the first day, we visited the Gyeongbokgung Palace in traditional Korean dress. At first, when my sister-in-law asked if we wanted to do it, I was like, "nah, too much trouble." She said that if you dress up, you get to go in for free. So I thought, why not, the kids might like to do that. Turns out, they loved it. The rental place is across the street from the palace, and it was packed. We should have gotten some business cards from them as there were people who stopped us at the palace asking us where to get the costumes. Turns out, though, given that it was a holiday, everyone got in for free! 

Walking to the palace.

Walking to the palace.

Looking at the water...

Looking at the water...

Shortly after taking this photo of the girls viewing the water, a couple of people went up to the girls and pulled them close by and shot a photo with them. Kind of weird as we had no idea who they were.

For lunch, we decided to try some Ginseng Chicken. Good thing we made reservations...

Longest line I've ever seen for some chicken.

Longest line I've ever seen for some chicken.

Woman cooking our chicken.

Woman cooking our chicken.

Bought some cool socks, clip-on earrings for girls, and other random things. Then we took the girls to a Korean show. Phoebe's first. My sister-in-law had read about it and thought it would be fun - yet something else we'd never have done on our own! These guys were great painters that painted live on stage. They also got the audience involved...and they actually picked Joe. Girls were rather amused by this. Plus, Phoebe got to drink some crazy apple drink with chunks of jelly in it (not the same as apple sauce).

Waiting for the show to start.

Waiting for the show to start.

Feeling silly...

Feeling silly...

Finally dressed!

Finally dressed!

In front of the palace, with cousin Allie.

In front of the palace, with cousin Allie.

Group photo!

Group photo!

We went shopping after lunch, and I'm a bit surprised that I didn't take more photos. This is probably one of the more interesting ones - there was a stand that sold a gazillion different contact lenses. You can see how each one slightly changes your eye ball, some being more creepy than others. 

So many contacts!

So many contacts!

End of the show...when you could snap some photos. So I didn't get any of Joe on stage.

End of the show...when you could snap some photos. So I didn't get any of Joe on stage.

We met up with friends for dinner, where we had some pork belly. By then, I was pretty exhausted so didn't get lots of photos. Here's one with some pork in it.

So much pork.

So much pork.