How and why did I get this position?

When I first moved to Taiwan last year, I had no idea what we were doing on the first day of school when the teacher told me to vote, so I just randomly voted. It wasn’t until after a month or two later that I found out that every person that got elected was some sort of “position” or “job” in class. I’m just going to list out the important ones:

#1 The highest position is the class President, and what she or he has to do is make sure all the other positions are doing a good job, and the person that has to tell everybody to bow and greet the teacher before class. Being the class President requires a lot of responsibility.

#2 Then, usually there is a Vice President, that mainly just follows what the President tells him or her what to do.

#3 Next there is the teacher’s Assistant that just helps the teacher organize homework books and helps print things out.

#4 Then there is a “Health and Sanitary Manager,” that makes sure everyone is doing a good job cleaning when it’s time to clean the school (if you read my last post about cleaning the school you would know what I’m talking about). If someone didn’t do a good job, he or she would write the name down on a clipboard, and then would give the clipboard to the teacher and he would then punish the person. The “Health and Sanitary Manager” also has to make sure everyone brushes their teeth after lunch, if someone doesn’t, they will write it on the clipboard too.

 #5 Lastly, there is a “Discipline Controller.” I never ever wanted this position, I always felt so bad for the person that had to do it. This job’s purpose is to replace the teacher whenever the teacher is gone, everyone in Taiwan is super scared of their teacher even if they have a decently nice teacher, so whenever the teacher is gone they feel like they can relax and be naughty. The “Discipline Controller” has to make sure that doesn’t happen. He or she has to make sure that the class isn’t too loud and no one is leaving their desk, and if someone does, they will write it down and give it to the teacher. Therefore, other people often think that the “Discipline Controller” is very annoying. But it is not their fault, they must do their job.

When we were electing the new class positions for this semester, the boy next to me asked, “Can you get really strict or tense sometimes?” I said, “Not often, I’m pretty relaxed." He gave me a weird smile and said, “Perfect.” Then he raised his hand and said, “Excuse me teacher I’d like to nominate Chloe for our Discipline Controller.” “No! My personality doesn’t fit at all for that job!” Just when I thought things couldn’t get any weirder the teacher said, “Who agrees?”

Half of the class raised their hand! Obviously, they picked me because they think that I will let them be very free and as naughty as they want, but I can’t let that happen!

I have started to get used to being the “Discipline Controller”, the hardest part of the job is finding a balance between not being the goody two shoes, but at the same time, managing the class. Sometimes, when everyone is super noisy, I feel bad telling everyone to shut up. So, everyone takes advantage of me, and it’s hard to make sure everyone is behaving.

In some ways, it's good that I got this job because I can use this chance to learn how to be more strict and firm, and to get up the courage to tell everyone to be quiet. At least I know how hard it is to be a teacher!

My class on our graduation trip. 

My class on our graduation trip.