Urban Vegetable Garden

Most of the time, Joe bikes Phoebe on the family bike to school. But sometimes, I walk with her. It's about a 15 minute walk. One day last week, Phoebe and I decided to take a different route. We stumbled on a small plot of land with a vegetable garden, nestled between high rises. An old grandma was selling fresh vegetables on the sidewalk. I chatted with her, and she had just picked these veggies in the morning. I asked her if she's there everyday, and she said it depends on how the harvest is, and said that sometimes she sells out early in the morning. She also said she doesn't use any pesticides.

"20NT for a bushel" - that's $0.66 USD

"20NT for a bushel" - that's $0.66 USD

Phoebe wanted to buy the cucumbers, but I hadn't thought to bring any money on me! But Joe did go and buy some veggies the next day. We ate it that night too quickly - I didn't get any photos. This reminded me of the children's book The Curious Garden by Peter Brown - it's about these beautiful gardens that popped up through an old industrial city.

Can we buy the cucumbers PLEASE?

Can we buy the cucumbers PLEASE?