First day of school
It's now our second year here in Taipei, I can't believe how fast the first year flew by. This year, we headed straight to their classrooms, I didn't even remember to get a photo of them at the front gate of the school! So here they are on the balcony. The main difference this year is that they have their student IDs around their necks, since they are able to take the subway by themselves to and from school now.
Chloe is in 6th and has the same teacher this year (1/2 , 3/4, and 5/6 classes have the same teacher for two years). Zoe is in 5th has a new teacher, who seems genuinely nice and and understanding.
Climbing up three flights of stairs
Zoe's classroom. She's there in the back, pretending not to see me.
Chloe's in sixth grade! Which means she is in the graduating class of her elementary school
Joe took Phoebe to school while I took the older two, and Phoebe was pretty excited to be back.
Phoebe's first day. She's very local now. She will also be graduating from her school this year.
The first day of school also happened to fall on a Wednesday, which is a half day, so we went out to ramen for lunch.